Pteris pellucida

Pteris pellucida C.Presl

Family     :  Pteridaceae

Terrestrial herbs with erect, rhizome 2.5-4 x 1.5-2 cm. Scales 2-3 x 0.1-0.4 mm, linear or lanceolate-acuminate, pale brown, margins fimbriate. Fronds 40-45 x 15-20 cm, simply pinnate; stipe 18-30 cm long, brownish, polished, glabrous; lamina 10-22 x 15-20 cm. Pinnae 1-2 pairs, 10-18 x 2.5-5 cm, oblong acuminate, terminal pinna single, larger. Veins forked, almost perpendicular to the costa. Sori linear along the margin of the pinnae except at base and apex. Sporangial capsule 375 x 250 µm, subglobose, stalk 375-400 µm long. Spores 62.5 x 50 µm, dark brown, verrucate with thick hyaline perispore.