Ayapana triplinervis
Ayapana triplinervis (Vahl) R.M. King & H. Rob
Family : Asteraceae
Common Name : വിഷപ്പച്ച(Mal)
Slender perennial herbs, somewhat woody at the base, creeping and rooting at the lower nodes, branches ascending; young shoots purple. Leaves simple, opposite, 5-8 x 0.7-1.5 cm, narrowly elliptic or lanceolate, base cuneate, acuminate at apex distantly toothed or nearly entire margins, triplinerved. Inflorescence a lax, few-headed corymbs. Heads 6-10 mm long, flowers, about 20, all tubular; corolla pale pink, 5-6 mm long. Achenes, narrowly oblong, 5-angled, and about 2 mm long; pappus ca 3 mm long.
Ayapanine and ayapine are generally non-toxic when administered locally or taken orally; moreover, they have no effect on respiration or on blood pressure.Further known constituents of the leaves include the terpenes phellandrene, borneol, 'BETA'-selinene, the quinones thymoquinone and thymoquinone-dimethylether, carotene and vitamin C (0.025%) The essential oil isolated from the plant has been shown to inhibit the growth of certain fungi (Curvularia spp., Rhizopus spp., Aspergillus spp. And Penicillium spp.), but not that of Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium decumbens
It is used to control bleeding from open wounds and blood clotting. The leaves and stem are indicated in bloody diarrhoea, bleeding piles, stomach ulcer bleedings or any other part of the body. The leaves contain volatile oil, ayapan oil etc.
Native of tropical America
Flowering & Fruiting :