Clitoria ternatea
Clitoria ternatea L. var. ternatea
Family : Fabaceae/leguminosae
Common Name : ശംഖുപുഷ്പം(Mal)
Butterfly pea (Eng)
अपराजिता (Hin)
This wonderful twining plant generously bears quite large flowers (about 2" across) which are a beautiful shade of vivid cobalt blue with a white throat. The flowers are presented upside down - the "keel" petal appears on the top rather than the underside. The butterfly pea is a beautiful vine that can climb to 9 feet in a hot summer. The flowers are produced in late summer, deep blue with a yellow to white pattern in the center of the lower petal. A member of the pea family, elongated peas are produced and seeds can be collected for sowing the following year. The botanical name comes from the resemblance to intimate parts of the human anatomy
Slender twiners. Leaves odd-pinnate; leaflets 5-7, 2.2-4.5 x 1.5-2.8 cm, broadly elliptic, ovate or obovate, base cuneate to rounded, apex obtuse to rounded, pubescent; stipules c. 4 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, persistent. Flowers solitary, axillary; pedicels to 1 cm long; bracts 2-3 mm long, persistent; bracteoles foliaceous, auricled. Calyx tube 5-7 mm long, pubescent; lobes acuminate. Petals blue or white, clawed; standard 3.5-4.3 cm long, obovate, emarginate; wings oblong, falcate, adnate to keel; keels obovate, incurved. Stamens diadelphous (9+1); filaments unequal. Ovary c. 7 mm long, pubescent; style curved, apex dilated. Pod 5-9 x 0.6-0.9 cm, linear, compressed, apically beaked; seeds many, 5-7 mm long, compressed, reniform, black.
The roots when introduced is said to induce abortion. According to the tribal people, it is effective even as late as the 8th month pregnancy. Leaf made into a paste is applied on swellings. Plants is used as an antidote for snake bite. The flower juice is given for controlling diabetes
Widely cultivated in the tropics, probably native of South America
Flowering & Fruiting :